Glossary of Terms related to emergency vehicles and their equipment

This glossary defines words that are often used when people talk or write about different types of ambulances, including medical equipment and devices on board, as well as interventions of the rescue teams. The glossary includes many but not all words related to these topics and contains some general language words and expressions useful in this context. The definitions in this glossary were adapted from several sources, including the Medline Plus website of the National Institutes of Health.


Adhesive (przylepny) A substance or material that sticks to surfaces, often used in medical dressings or tapes.

Agile (zwinny, łatwo się adaptujący) Able to move quickly and easily, often referring to physical or mental adaptability in fast-changing situations.

Agility (zwinność) The ability to move quickly and easily, often required in dynamic and challenging situations.

Airborne particles (cząstki unoszące się w powietrzu) Tiny particles that can be carried by air currents, potentially hazardous if inhaled.

Aircraft (samolot, statek powietrzny) A vehicle capable of flight, used for transporting people or goods through the air.

Airways (drogi oddechowe) The passages through which air travels to and from the lungs, critical in breathing and respiratory care.

Apron (fartuch) Protective garment worn over clothing to shield the body from spills or contamination.

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) (automatyczny defibrylator zewnętrzny) A portable device that delivers an electric shock to restore normal heart rhythm in cases of cardiac arrest.


Basic life support (podstawowe podtrzymywanie życia, PPŻ) A level of medical care used to sustain life in emergency situations, including CPR and airway management.

Bedpan (basen) Shallow container used by bedridden patients for urination or defecation.


Cardiac arrest (zatrzymanie akcji serca) A sudden loss of heart function, requiring immediate medical intervention to restore circulation and breathing.

Cardiac monitor (kardiomonitor, monitor kardiologiczny, monitor pracy serca) Devices used to continuously observe and record the heart’s electrical activity, vital for monitoring heart health.

Cardiac pacemaker (stymulator serca) A medical device implanted in the chest that regulates abnormal heart rhythms by sending electrical impulses to stimulate the heart to beat regularly.

Catheter (cewnik) A tube inserted into the body to drain fluids or administer treatments, commonly used in medical procedures.

Cervical spine (kręgosłup szyjny) The uppermost part of the spine located in the neck, supporting the head and protecting the spinal cord.

Chart (karta pacjenta) A medical record that documents a patient’s health information, treatments, and progress.

Circumstances (okoliczności) The conditions or facts surrounding a situation or event, often influencing outcomes.

Combustibles (materiały łatwopalne) Substances that can catch fire and burn easily, requiring careful handling and storage.

Compact (kompaktowy) Small in size and conveniently arranged, making something easy to carry or store.

Congested (zatłoczony, zapchany) Overcrowded or filled to excess, often referring to traffic or areas with too many people or vehicles.

Consistent (spójny, stały, równomierny) Acting or done in the same way over time, ensuring reliability and uniformity in processes or outcomes.

Contaminants (zanieczyszczenia, substancje zanieczyszczające) Harmful or unwanted substances that contaminate an environment, material, or body.

Contamination (zanieczyszczenie) The presence of harmful or infectious substances in a location, substance, or body.

Critical (kluczowy lub krytyczny) Extremely important or severe, often referring to a patient’s condition that is life-threatening and requires immediate attention.

Cross-contamination (skażenie krzyżowe) The transfer of harmful bacteria or substances from one surface or material to another.


Debris (gruzy, odpady, szczątki) Scattered pieces of waste or remains, often resulting from destruction or accidents.

Deployed (rozsyłany, rozlokowany) Sent out or arranged for action, often referring to emergency personnel or equipment.

Diastolic pressure level (poziom ciśnienia rozkurczowego) The pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest between beats, measured as the lower number in a blood pressure reading.

Disinfect (dezynfekować) To clean and remove harmful bacteria or viruses from surfaces or wounds, ensuring they are sterile.

Dispatcher (dyspozytor) A person responsible for sending out emergency services, such as ambulances, to the scene of an incident.

Disposable (jednorazowy) Designed for single use and intended to be discarded after use.

Drape (serweta chirurgiczna) A cloth or material used to cover a patient or area during medical procedures to maintain a sterile environment.

Dressings (opatrunki) Materials applied to wounds to protect, absorb exudate, and promote healing.


Effective (skuteczny) Producing the intended or desired result, particularly in medical treatments or emergency interventions.

Emesis (wymioty) The act of vomiting, often a symptom of illness or injury.

EMTs (emergency medical technicians) (ratownicy medyczni) Healthcare professionals trained to provide emergency medical care and transportation to patients in critical situations.

Enabling (umożliwiający) Providing the means or ability to do something, often making a task or process possible.

Entire (cały) Complete, whole, or including all parts.

Enhancing (wzmacniający) Improving or augmenting something, often to increase its effectiveness or quality.

Extremity (kończyna) The farthest point or limb of the body, such as the hands or feet.

Exudate (wysięk) Fluid that leaks out of blood vessels into surrounding tissues, often due to inflammation or injury, and collected by dressings. It is also called pus (ropa).


Feces (kał) Waste matter discharged from the bowels, also known as stool.

First responders (pierwsi ratownicy, pierwsi reagujący) Individuals who are among the first to arrive and provide assistance at the scene of an emergency, such as police, firefighters, and paramedics.

Flashing lights (migające światła) Lights that blink on and off rapidly, used on emergency vehicles to signal urgency and alert others.

Fracture (złamanie) A break or crack in a bone, often requiring immobilization or surgery to heal.

Frame (rama) A rigid structure that provides support, often used in medical devices to stabilize or protect.

Friction (tarcie) The resistance encountered when one surface rubs against another, important in preventing slipping or providing grip.

Foldable (składany) Designed to be folded for easy storage or transport.



Hemorrhage (krwotok) Severe bleeding, often requiring immediate medical intervention to control and stop blood loss.

High-impact emergencies (nagłe sytuacje wymagające natychmiastowej reakcji) Critical situations that require immediate and forceful action due to the severity of the circumstances.

High-visibility markings/strips (oznaczenia/paski o wysokiej widoczności) Brightly colored or reflective markings/strips used on vehicles, clothing or equipment to ensure they are easily seen, especially in emergencies or in low-light conditions.

Hypertension (nadciśnienie) A medical condition characterized by consistently high blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Hypothermia (hipotermia) A medical condition where the body temperature drops below normal, potentially life-threatening if not treated promptly.


Immobilize (unieruchomić) To prevent movement, often used in treating fractures or injuries to prevent further damage.

Impact-resistant materials (materiały odporne na uderzenia) Substances that can withstand impacts or forces without breaking or deforming.

Infectious agents (czynniki zakaźne) Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi that can cause diseases.

Inflammation (zapalenie) The body’s response to injury or infection, causing redness, heat, swelling, and pain in the affected area.

Inhalation (wdychanie) The act of breathing in air, gases, or vapors, sometimes carrying harmful substances.

Intraosseous needle (igły doszpikowe) A needle used to administer fluids or medications directly into the bone marrow (szpik kostny), typically in emergency situations when intravenous access is difficult.

Intravenous hydration (nawadnianie dożylne) The administration of fluids directly into a vein to maintain or restore hydration levels.

Intravenous insertion (wkłucie dożylne) The process of inserting a needle or catheter into a vein for the administration of fluids or medication.


Labeled (oznaczony) Marked with a label or tag that provides information or identification.

Laryngoscope (laryngoskop) A medical instrument used to view and access the larynx and vocal cords, often used during intubation.

Leak-proof (szczelny, hermetyczny) Designed to prevent liquids or gases from escaping or entering, ensuring no leaks.

Limb (kończyna) An arm or leg, or the analogous part on an animal, such as a wing, essential for movement and physical activity.


Maneuver (manewrować) To move skillfully or carefully, often in tight spaces or challenging environments.

Mass casualty incidents (zdarzenia masowe) Emergencies involving a large number of victims, overwhelming local medical resources.Mounted (zamontowany, przymocowany) Fixed or attached to a surface or object, often referring to equipment installed for use.


Nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) (rurka/trąbka nosowo-gardłowa): A flexible tube inserted through the nose to maintain an open airway in unconscious patients.

Navigate (nawigować, prowadzić, poruszać się) To plan and direct the course of a vehicle or to move through an area, often under challenging conditions.

Nebulizer (nebulizator) A device that converts liquid medication into a fine mist, allowing it to be inhaled into the lungs, often used for respiratory conditions.

Neonatal care (opieka neonatologiczna) Specialized medical care for newborn infants, especially those who are premature or ill.

Non-emergency treatment (leczenie niewymagające natychmiastowej interwencji) Medical care for conditions that are not immediately life-threatening.

Non-slip (antypoślizgowy) Designed to prevent slipping, often referring to surfaces or materials that provide traction.

Non-stick material (materiał nieprzywierający) A surface designed to prevent substances, such as dressings, from sticking to wounds, allowing easy removal.

Numb (zdrętwiały) Lacking sensation or feeling, often due to cold, injury, or medical intervention;  to numb pain (uśmierzać ból).


Obstetrical (położniczy) Related to childbirth and the care of women during pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period.

Obstruction (niedrożność, zablokowanie) Something that blocks or obstructs a passage or process, such as an airway or blood flow; blockage of a passageway.

Occlusive (okluzyjny, uszczelniający) Designed to completely block or seal off an area, often used in dressings to prevent air or moisture from entering a wound.

On-site (na miejscu, stacjonarnie) Located or taking place at the scene of an event or activity.

Oropharyngeal airway (OPA) (rurka ustno-gardłowa) A rigid device inserted into the mouth to keep the airway open in unconscious patients.

Oxygenation (natlenienie, dotlenienie) The process of providing oxygen to the body’s tissues, vital for sustaining life.


Padded (wyściełany) Provided with a soft material to cushion and protect, often used in medical devices for comfort.

Patient outcome (wyniki leczenia pacjenta) The results of medical care, including the quality of life and health status after treatment.

Pelvis (miednica) The lower part of the torso, where the hip bones are located, supporting the spinal column and protecting abdominal organs.

Portable (przenośny) Easily carried or moved, often referring to equipment designed for use in different locations.


Rapid (szybki) Occurring or done in a short time or at a fast pace.

Remote (odległy lub zdalny) Located far away, or something that is operated or controlled from a distance.

Respiratory droplets (kropelki oddechowe) Small droplets expelled from the respiratory tract during coughing, sneezing, or talking, which can spread infections.

Resuscitation (resuscytacja) The act of reviving someone from unconsciousness or apparent death, often involving CPR.

Rigid (sztywny) Stiff and inflexible, often used to describe materials or devices designed to maintain shape and support.


Saline / Saline solution (sól fizjologiczna) A sterile solution of salt in water, used for medical purposes such as hydration or wound cleaning.

Saturation (saturacja, wysycenie) The level to which something is absorbed or saturated, often referring to oxygen saturation in the blood.

Sealed (szczelnie, hermetycznie zamknięty) Closed tightly to prevent air, liquid, or contaminants from entering or escaping.

Seamless (bezszwowy; płynny, bezproblemowy) Having no seams; smooth and continuous, without any gaps, interruptions, or obvious transitions, often referring to processes or materials.

Severe (ciężki) Very intense or serious, often referring to injuries, symptoms, or conditions that are critical.

Shield (osłaniać) To protect someone or something from danger, harm, or impact.

Sirens (syreny): Loud warning devices used on emergency vehicles to alert the public and clear traffic as they respond to emergencies.

Sling (temblak) A piece of cloth or material used to support and immobilize an injured arm or shoulder.

Snug (dopasowany) Fitting closely but comfortably, providing a secure fit.

Sole (podeszwa) The bottom part of a shoe, designed to provide grip and protect the foot.

Spill (rozlanie) Accidental leakage of liquids, often requiring immediate cleanup to prevent hazards.

Spinal (kręgosłupowy, związany z kręgosłupem) Related to or involving the spine or vertebral column.

Splash (rozprysk) The scattering of liquid drops due to an impact or forceful action, often requiring protective measures.

Splint (szyna) A rigid device used to support and immobilize a broken or injured limb.

Sprain (skręcenie) An injury to ligaments (tissues that connect bones at a joint, więzadła) caused by being stretched beyond their normal range, resulting in pain and swelling.

Strain (nadwyrężenie) An injury to muscles or tendons (tissues that connect muscle to bone, ścięgna) caused by overstretching or overuse, often leading to pain and stiffness.

Stabilize (stabilizować) To make or become steady, secure, or less likely to change, especially in a medical context to maintain a patient’s vital signs.

Sterile (jałowy) Free from bacteria or other living microorganisms, critical in preventing infections during medical procedures.

Strap (pasek) Long, narrow piece of material used to fasten, secure, or carry objects.

Stretchers (nosze) Portable beds used for transporting patients, especially in emergency situations.

Suction (ssanie) The process of removing fluids or obstructions from a patient’s airway or body cavities using a vacuum device.

Swathe (taśma, owijka) A broad band or wrap used to secure a limb or dressing, often used in conjunction with a sling. a long strip of cloth:

Swelling (obrzęk, obrzmienie, opuchlizna) An abnormal enlargement of a part of the body, typically due to injury or inflammation.

Swift (szybki) Moving or capable of moving at high speed; quick and prompt in action or response; swiftly (szybko) Quickly responding or completing a task.

Syringes (strzykawki) Medical devices used to inject or withdraw fluids from the body, consisting of a needle and a cylindrical chamber.

Systolic pressure level (poziom ciśnienia skurczowego) The pressure in the arteries when the heart beats, measured as the higher number in a blood pressure reading.


Tourniquet (opaska uciskowa) A device used to apply pressure to a limb to stop severe bleeding, typically used in emergency situations.

Traction device (wyciąg) A medical tool used to apply pulling force to align bones, relieve pressure, or treat fractures, commonly used for injuries to the spine or limbs.

Traction splint (szyna trakcyjna) A type of splint that applies pulling force to align and immobilize a fractured bone, typically used for femur fractures.

Transit (przejazd) The act of moving or transporting people or goods from one place to another.

Trauma center (centrum urazowe) A specialized hospital facility equipped to provide comprehensive emergency medical services to patients suffering from traumatic injuries.


Umbilical clamps (klamry/zaciski pępowinowe) Devices used to clamp the umbilical cord immediately after birth to prevent bleeding.

Unidirectional valve (zawór jednokierunkowy) A valve that allows fluid or gas to flow in only one direction, preventing backflow, commonly used in medical and mechanical systems to maintain controlled movement.

Urinal (urynał, przenośny pisuar) Container used by patients, typically male, for urination while bedridden.


Venous tourniquet (opaska uciskowa żylna) A band applied around a limb to constrict veins, making them easier to access for blood draw or IV insertion.

Ventilator (respirator) A medical device that assists or takes over the breathing process for patients unable to breathe adequately on their own.

Versatile (wszechstronny) Able to adapt to various uses or situations, often referring to equipment or tools.

Versatility (wszechstronność) The ability to adapt to different functions or activities, often referring to tools or equipment that can be used in various situations.


Waterproof (wodoodporny) Resistant to water, preventing it from passing through or being absorbed.

Water-soluble (rozpuszczalny w wodzie) Capable of being dissolved in water, often referring to substances like medications or materials.

Weave through (przemieszczać się zygzakiem, lawirować) To move in and out of traffic or obstacles in a winding or zigzag pattern.Wheezing (świszczący oddech) A high-pitched whistling sound made while breathing, often indicating a respiratory condition like asthma.